2022 Sustainability performance report
About this report
We are proud to present our Sustainability Performance Report for 2022, which marks the first complete calendar year using our redefined ESG framework. Our approach is governed by the belief that Lion can be a force for good in the world, delivering enduring environmental leadership, long-term positive social impact, and best practice governance. And to hold ourselves to account, we've set evidence-based goals to 2025 and beyond.
Report parameters
Unless otherwise stated, performance data is relevant to our Australia and New Zealand operations for calendar year 2022. This report is produced with reference to the GRI Standards 2021 and applicable Topic Standards 2016-2020. Lion Pty Ltd (Lion) engaged KPMG to perform limited assurance in relation to these selected material sustainability metrics:
Zero carbon
Circular Economy
Water Stewardship
Refer to KPMG's assurance statement for detail. The GRI Index provides the list of disclosures we have reported against. Our ten material topics remain consistent with those outlined on page 2 of the Lion Sustainability Report 2021, based on a materiality assessment conducted earlier that year. The 2022 raw sustainability data is also available.
The Lion Sustainability Strategy supports the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Environmental highlights
Our ambition is to be a Force for Good by: Demonstrating brave and enduring environmental leadership
We collaborate across our supply chain to support a healthy planet by minimising our water use, reducing our carbon emissions and promoting circular economy solutions for our packaging.
30% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions1STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Zero carbon -
100%renewable electricity procured2STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Zero carbon -
64%average recycled content in our packaging, exceeding APCO National Packaging Target > 50%STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Circular economy -
3.62L/Llitres of water consumed per litre of beer produced3STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Water stewardship
Governance highlights
Our ambition is to be a Force for Good by: Strengthening and safeguarding our governance
Our governance practices help people across the business make choices that create a positive work environment, earn the trust of our customers and partners, build a business that is sustainable and profitable and contributes to a better world.
1non-compliance upheld by Advertising Standards AuthoritySTRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Best practice and reputation
2.13Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Everyone safe
every day -
4.27Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Everyone safe
every day -
97%staff completed competition law trainingSTRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Best practice and reputation -
98% staff completed anti-bribery and corruption trainingSTRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Best practice and reputation

A message from our Sustainability Director
“We remain committed to producing immediate and enduring benefits for society, our people, and the environment.”
I am delighted to present Lion's 2022 Sustainability Performance Report showcasing our progress against established targets over the course of 2022. It reflects my personal ambition - shared by colleagues throughout the business - to make Lion a force for good for people and planet. We remain committed to producing immediate and enduring benefits for society, our people, and the environment.
Our sustainability targets
Having set ambitious targets that provide long-term direction for our actions, we are making good progress. Key 2022 highlights include being recognised as joint winner of the Net Zero Action Award at the 33rd National Banksia Sustainability Awards, progressing toward net zero by becoming the first large scale brewer in Australia to procure 100% renewable electricity for all Australian operations, continuing to promote the responsible consumption of alcohol through our Alcohol&Me program with over 42,200 modules completed and launching our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
Pursuing net zero
Lion is dedicated to achieving a net-zero value chain by 2050, and to reducing carbon emissions by 55 percent by 2030 from a 2019 baseline.
In December Lion signed a landmark 100% renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) with the lightsource bp solar farm in Woolooga, near Gympie Qld. Combined with our 100% renewable PPA in NSW and the procurement of additional renewable energy certificates from Woolooga for relatively modest electricity consumption in other states, Lion is now the first large scale brewer in Australia to procure 100% renewable electricity for all Australian operations. This achieves our strategic carbon reduction target two years ahead of schedule and will eliminate around 138,000 tonnes of carbon emissions over the 9.5-year agreement, the equivalent of taking 45,000 cars off the road.
In New Zealand, Lion has reduced its carbon emissions by 10 percent from its baseline year of 2019 as part of its Toitū net carbonzero commitment.
As a founding member of the Australian Climate Leaders Coalition, we led a proof-of-concept case study on carbon neutral XXXX Gold, working in collaboration with key suppliers and customers to accurately measure and identify scope 3 emission reduction opportunities from our value chain. The Scope 3 Roadmap Report was the first of its type in the world and presented at COP27 in November 2022.
Serving our people and communities
Recognising the value of a genuinely diverse and inclusive culture, Lion became the first major brewer to achieve certification as a Family Friendly Workplace.
We were also proud to continue our strategic partnerships with Graeme Dingle Foundation supporting New Zealand's youth to achieve their potential, and with Gotcha 4 Life delivering mental fitness programs to one in every two Lion employees and our local communities. Lion employees also completed over 4,700 hours in volunteering.
Supporting our customers is another way we enhance prosperity in our communities. The Lion Marketplace app, released in August 2022, showcases our focus on being the easiest supplier for publicans, hoteliers and other customers to do business with, as they recover from the challenges presented by the pandemic, labour shortages, and supply chain disruptions.
First Nations reconciliation and empowerment
Lion is committed to truth telling, recognising past injustices experienced by First Nations peoples, and a reconciled future that includes historical acceptance of our shared history and a nation that embraces diversity and equality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. In launching our Innovate RAP we welcome feedback on our approach and will continue to listen to - and learn from - First Australians as we take this next step on our reconciliation journey together.
Justin Merrell
Group Sustainability Director
Our business
$2.042bNet Sales Revenue (NSR) AU & NZ
4,391Employees globallly
37 Sites
$5.2mCommunity investment